I graduated in 2006 from Hohai University and joined Power China as a GIS engineer.
In 2013 I joined Alibaba Autonavi.
Since 2014 I turned to be a software engineer, main work is web application development.
2014 - 2017 I worked for Kaoshixing and 2017 - 2022 I worked for Dedao APP as a full stack engineer.
despite web application development, I'm also familiar with computer graphics, have some experience on C++, OpenGL, etc.
Here are some of the projects I worked on:
My role: Lead Developer
A 2D game developed with C++ and OpenGL, although it is 2D, it reflects a lot of knowledge of computer graphics and OpenGL development methods. This project uses framebuffer and irrKlang to achieve some interesting effects, enjoy it.
Technologies: C++, OpenGL
My role: Developer
Realistic PBR is realized by using OpenGL and GLSL. Different spheres have different normal distribution and roughness, so as to calculate different NDF and mask functions, and then calculate different fresnel equation reflectivity according to different metallic, so as to calculate Different BRDFs get different lighting effects. This also includes the effect of using cubemap to get skybox.
Technologies: C++, OpenGL
My role: Lead Developer
KaoShiXing is a toB online exam system, which can meet the requirements of employee training exams, dealer exams, recruitment exams, knowledge contests, homework, practice exams, etc. I lead the design, construction and development of this project, and have gone through the process from zero to 1,000 enterprise users. The work includes system design, front-end and back-end development, deployment, operation and maintenance.
Technologies: Python, Flask, MySQL, MongoDB, JQuery, AliYun