Remarks: typescript didn’t bring me any benefits, I spent a lot of time adapting to its unused usage, and avoiding warnings with any, so I started to use js again
forever run .ts file
# first use
npm install -g ts-node
# then use
forever start -v -c ts-node app.ts
omit check type
我在.ts 文件里引用包时, 例如: import Board from "react-trello";
, 会被提示Could not find a declaration file for module 'react-trello'. '/Users/xxx/xxx/node_modules/react-trello/dist/index.js' implicitly has an 'any' type.
, 一般的解决办法是npm i --save @types/react-trello
, 但是有的包会提示无法安装.
我为了避免这种恼人的问题, 会选择第二个方案, 在 tsconfig.json 里的 compilerOptions 里加入"noImplicitAny": false