Loop With SSH in Shell Script

The code is:

collect_data() {
  echo $1
  echo $2
  ssh car91 "echo 1"

minor_lidars='[ { "label": "前 右", "location": "frontright", "type": "bp" }, { "label": "后 左", "location": "rearleft", "type": "bp" } ]'

while read -r lidar; do
  location=$(echo $lidar | jq -r '.location')
  type=$(echo $lidar | jq -r '.type')
  if [ "$type" == "bp" ]; then
  collect_data $type $location
  echo "Finished collect_data for $location"
done < <(echo "$minor_lidars" | jq -c '.[]')

The expcted result is execute function collect_data twice, but it was only once.
the reason is: The issue you’re encountering is likely due to the ssh command consuming the standard input, which interferes with the while read loop.
we must change the ssh command line to:

ssh car91 "echo 1" < /dev/null